HydroSim Alpha v0.5.0.2
- Viewing saved replays wasn't working, now fixed.
- Fixed incorrect buoy texture mapping when viewing saved replays.
- Race clock is back to 5 minutes
- Fixed UI scaling at resolutions above 1920x1080
- Cinemachine camera system in place.
- TV, blimp, and helicopter camera with multi-vehicle tracking. (PageUp and PageDown to cycle)
- Manual fly camera (use WASD and mouse to control).
- Swingman camera now rotates with the boat.
- Created new buoy models.
- Multiplayer chat.
- Added physics to roostertails, so driving through will affect boat.
- Added camera splash effects from roostertails.
- Added penalties for dislodged buoys and jumped start.
- During race session, dislodged buoys will subtract a lap and require driver to run an extra lap. If you leave course before running extra laps you will get a DNF.
- During qualifying session, laps where a buoy is dislodged will be invalid and not counted towards best lap.
- Added DNF, DNS, DQ to standings. DQ currently reserved for future use.
- Added extra command line arguments for dedicated server:
- Integer, number of players allowed on the server. Default is 12.tickRate
- Integer, how many hz each client should update the server. Default is 20 (used to be 10).
- Added some more boats that were posted in the Exhibition race thread.
- Attempt to fix server time issues.
- Attempt to make netcode prediction more accurate.
- Flickering race standings.
- Gray boxes rendering on remote boats.
Download HydroSim v0.5.0.3 (Windows)Newer build available here
@Scott-Przybylski Awesome! Unfortunately it looks like the new version doesn't work well with eyefinity, all the boxes are zoomed way in and don't show my speed
@kbest45 Hmmm, not sure why your speed isn't showing up, but I can fix the ui elements being zoomed in real quick since I also forgot to set the race clock back to 5 minutes after testing things (its only 30 seconds, haha)
@Scott-Przybylski I think it has something to do with the zoom or the resolution. It shows my speed just fine if I turn off eyefinity.
@kbest45 ok, should be fixed
Another update, fixed some bugs with viewing saved replays.
@Scott-Przybylski the update is awesome
Some known issues:
- Particle effect optimizations that were made prior to release seem to have broken the roostertail physics.
- If 2 drivers have identical lap times, race results will flicker.
- When looking behind, roostertail water spray effect happens on camera.
- Boat spawn locations need to be fixed. Had some boats spawning on top of eachother.
- Chat auto-scroll isn't working right.
- Drivers shouldn't be removed from race standings until session changes/restarts.
I think I figured out a way to disable the camera water drop effects from the boat that the camera is targeting.
I fixed a few bugs, I'll probably put up a small update tonight.
Nevermind, still working out some things. Will probably get it out sometime this weekend though.