TNH Modern Season 16 Race 4
Racers, we have a scheduling problem. I now have a work conflict next Wednesday (and both CP and Mickey are out as well). Our options are to either 1) have someone else run the race, 2) run on Thursday the 10th, 3) run on Sunday the 13th (I think I can make that work), or 4) push all of the races back and add another date on the end. Please post your preference/availability of those options.
Note: When I set the schedule, I indicated that I would try to work around CP's moving schedule about this time.
There's a chance I can't do Thursday too so I vote for pushing the season back and I think I remember somebody else asking for another race to be changed and that might help them out too
I am available for any option. For the sake of having a good turnout at the next race, I vote for pushing the season back.
We've already started packing (including my wheel) and will be moving from the 15th to 17th. We probably won't have internet until the 18th at the earliest. Right now, I'd say finish the season without me since it doesn't look like I'll be racing again for a while if ever. My computer issues will have to wait until after the move.
I will probably need to re-install windows since I think the problem is hidden driver-related. Besides, I'm retiring my z68/2600K combo and finally installing my z170/6700K combo that I bought back in April (I think since it's been so long).
Whatever you decide is fine.
I'm good with trying to accomodate all. Remember I'm flying back in on the night of Dec 14 and was hoping to adjust to the 15th or some other option. If we can't, I'll just miss.
@cp65 Chris you gave me a wheel. I'd be glad to pay the 24.99 to get you signed up again.
I'm good with wh
Sorry meant to say I'm good with whatever you decide
Don't worry about me Bill. It's probably nothing a windows re-install can't fix, which is probably due anyway. Unfortunately, that will have to wait until after our move.
It's not like I'm giving up on it yet.
Race #4 has been moved to November 30th. Here is the revised schedule:
September 21st - Champion Spark Plug Unlimited Regatta - Miami (San Diego GP Course, 1 2/3 mile)
October 5th - Stroh's Silver Cup - Detroit
October 19th - Indiana Governor's Cup - Madison
November 30th - Thunder on the Ohio - Evansville (Madison Course)
December 14th - Columbia Cup - Tri-Cities (San Diego course)
December 28th - Sea Galley - APBA Gold Cup - Seattle (San Diego Course)
January 11th - Thunder in the Glenn World Championship - Watkins Glen, NY (Detroit Course)
January 25th - Circus-Circus Thunderboat Regatta - San DiegoRace dates are subject to change based upon unforeseen needed adjustments in my work schedule or other requests of any regularly attending driver.
Season Standings after 4 races:
Number Boat Driver __________________Wins Season Total
U-6 __Holset Miss Madison __Mickey Washburn 2 __4888
U-4 __Pocket Saver Plus __Jeff Dewalt ___________4807
U-100 _Miss Rock ________Ryan Yates ______1 ____4648
U-25 _Pride of Pay-n-Pak _John Steach ___________4336
U-1 __Atlas Van Lines ____Chris Porten ______1 ____3518
U-5 __Frank Kinney Toyota _James Bandit ________3109
U-8 __Mr. Pringles ____Scott Przybylski ___________3103
U-8 _Executone ___Kallen Washburn _____________2949
U-2 __Oh Boy! Oberto _Beau Rarig _______________2718
U-2 ___Squire Shop _Jody Harshman ____________2640
U-3 __Master Tire ____Bill Brandt _______________2161
U-3 __Miss Renault ____Joey Caines _____________1293
U-74 _Olympia Beer _Peter Steach ______________1180 -
Congratulations to Mickey on his second win of the season and the new season points leader!
Video of the final heat -
Awesome vid Mickey! Thanks for taking the time to do this. Glad I finally made one
So awesome and congrats on the win