THN Modern Season 16 (Except on Wednesdays) is here! For the 2016 season 16, we are going back to the end of the piston era and running modern piston boats on the 1981 Season schedule. All races will start qualification at 6:30 Pacific time. We will have two rounds of qualification, three sets of preliminary heats, a consolation (if needed) and a winner-take-all final. The Gold Cup will have a 4th set of preliminary heats. 80 MPH minimum milling speed will be enforced with no warnings but a 1 minute penalty assessed.
September 21st - Champion Spark Plug Unlimited Regatta - Miami (San Diego GP Course, 1 2/3 mile)
October 5th - Stroh's Silver Cup - Detroit
October 19th - Indiana Governor's Cup - Madison
November 9th - Thunder on the Ohio - Evansville (Madison Course)
November 30th - Columbia Cup - Tri-Cities (San Diego course)
December 14th - Sea Galley - APBA Gold Cup - Seattle (San Diego Course)
December 28th - Thunder in the Glenn World Championship - Watkins Glen, NY (Detroit Course)
January 11th - Circus-Circus Thunderboat Regatta - San Diego
Race dates are subject to change based upon unforeseen needed adjustments in my work schedule or other requests of any regularly attending driver.
Boat Selection will be in order of finish from last season with newcomers on a first come-first serve after those earning points have finished their selection. Selections must be completed prior to September 18th to allow the new drivers to select (newcomers can post on this forum a list of boats in priority order to reserve a boat if it is not taken). As modern piston boats are limited, if we have more drivers than boats, we will add in turbines or allow selections from the UHL boats (I'm willing to run the WAZZU if we run short but will select another boat, after CP selects, until we run out then will give up that boat if needed)
- Chris Porten
- John Steach
- Kallen Washburn
- Mickey Washburn
- Jeff Dewalt
- Jody Harshman
- Peter Steach
- Scott Przybylski