I am in need of help getting this working on my PC
Is there anyone available that may be able to offer up some tech support? I am using the same PC as I used to use in the past only difference is I have a new hard drive cause mine crashed a few years back. I have also tried putting it on my new laptop also with no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My PC has vista and my laptop windows 10
What exactly is the problem (besides using the two most unstable versions of windows)? We're gonna need more information about what's going on.
Are you able to install rFactor and get it working (activated)?
Which version of rFactor are you using (F or G)? If you can't get the game to activate, you'll have to use a NoDVD cracked exe file, which is what I've been using since I used all my activations and don't want to spend the money to buy more. However, the crack I have is for F only. Here is the link to get the NoDVD crack file as well as rFactor Lite (F) as well as the Hydromod installer (my backups incase I lose the files locally).
I should be available most of the day unless our house is being shown since it went on the market yesterday.
I have windows 10 I turn on administrator.
On my PC wich is Vista and the same PC I used to play the game on, Rfactor works, However it will not run the mod download, It keeps coming up program has stopped running. Hydromodupdater.exe has stopped working windows can check online for a solution to the problem
check online for a solution and close program
close the programAnd on my laptop Rfactor was working until I installed the updater and now it will not run Rfactor, The opening screen pops up as if the game is going to run and then blip, its gone. It took about 5 hours for the mod to download to the game and then like I said it just wont run Rfactor on the laptop now. I have unistalled everything off the laptop but still have r factor working on the PC. Ultimate goal would be to get it working on my PC with Vista the way I used to roll but IDK maybe I will have to buy a new PC? I would love to get back to racing on here as some of my RC hyrdro racing family is getting into this. A couple have it and have been playing and I just want to get back in the game.
Chris give me a call sometime maybe you could walk me through it or hell I will even let yo into my computers remotely if you like?
360-970-1397 -
Windows 10 on the laptop. It's brand new just bought it in March
I'm still stuck. A few of my RC racers are now racing because of me and I would love to come race with them. Does anyone have remote capabilities of helping me get this working? I have a buddy that helps me out remotely once in a while but he too is not having any luck with the downloader and either of my operating systems?
Joey, sorry I hadn't gotten back to you sooner. With our house on the market, I feel like a doctor on call. We've had people call and ask to look at the house almost every day this week and we can't be home when they look at it. It really screws up my schedule for the day.
Anyway, the only thing I could think of that might fix the issue is to re-download the installer and see what happens. If it still won't work, ask Scott for help. He's probably the only person who'd be able to help if the re-download doesn't work.
Thank you. And good luck with the house.
As with windows 8 and 10, make sure you have latest Direct X 9 Runtime installed http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
This might be the issue with the laptop.
The installer might be a .NET framework issue. I think it uses .NET 3.5, you might be able to grab the latest .NET Framework, not sure if it includes older versions. I'd install 3.5 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21
FYI, the self contained installer/updater that you can download from the website doesn't seem to work on Windows 10, I'll need to see if I can fix it.
If you have an already existing HydroMod install, there is an installer/updater in the
directory. It requires the 3 or so SVN dll files to be in the same directory to run. -
hey Scott, a friend of mine is trying to download Hydromod for Windows 10 and is having trouble getting an active link to install. can you be of any help here? I am thinking of getting back on Hydromod so i will need it for windows 10 as well
It should be up here http://www.uhlhydroplanes.com/hydromod
Actually, it seems to work if you save it then Right Click -> Run as Administrator