TNH Modern Season 17
Here is my disclaimer, due to some shifting in my job, I may not be able to make all of the races or continue to run the race schedule after this spring and even possibly during this season. I am looking for someone to at least co-administer this season with the goal of taking over. Please let me know if you are interested. Running a season consist of the following:
- Create the race schedule. As administrator, you get to work it around your schedule. You can either use a past season as a template or completely make it up.
- Set up the google.doc for season administration. (I can help you with this even in the future)
- Run the race nights which consists of documenting results, starting qualifying, setting all heat draws (the spreadsheet does this with a random number generator), starting heats, posting results after the race, and being the final say on all penalty calls. (See, it's not really that much)
THN Modern Season 17 (Except on Wednesdays) is here! For the 2017 season 17, we are opening up selection to any of the modern boats (including the UHL specific boats that never actually raced). The season is based on 2005 with the addition of Doha to get a total of 8 races. All races will start qualification at 6:30 Pacific time. We will have two rounds of qualification, three sets of preliminary heats, a consolation (if needed) and a winner-take-all final. The Gold Cup will have a 4th set of preliminary heats. 80 MPH minimum milling speed will be enforced with no warnings but a 1 minute penalty assessed.
March 8th - Evansville, Thunder on the Ohio (San Diego Course)
March 29th - Indiana Governor's Cup - Madison
April 19th - Crysler-Jeep APBA Gold Cup - Detroit
May 4th - Budweiser Columbia Cup - Tri-Cities (San Diego Course)
May 17th - Seattle Chevrolet Cup (Madison Course)
May 31st - Nashville, Music City Hydrofest (Detroit Course)
June 14th - San Diego, Bill Muncey Cup
June 28th - Doha, ORYX Cup, UIM World Championship (Madison Course)Race dates are subject to change based upon unforeseen needed adjustments in my work schedule or other requests of any regularly attending driver.
Boat Selection will be in order of finish from last season with newcomers on a first come-first serve after those earning points have finished their selection. Selections must be completed prior to February 28th to allow the new drivers to select (newcomers can post on this forum a list of boats in priority order to reserve a boat if it is not taken).
Jeff Dewalt
John Steach (Miss WAZZU unless Jeff takes it from me)
Mickey Washburn
James Bandit
Ryan Yates
Beau Rarig
Kallen Washburn
Bill Brandt
Jody Harshman
Chris Porten
Scott Przybylski
Adam Putich
Joey Caines
Peter Steach -
Here is the link to the Google.doc for the next season:
I would also propose we try something new for the starting procedure to align with the current H1 Unlimiteds. We would stay with the 80 mph minimum but have the following changes:
- Add in one warning as long as it is less than 2 seconds.
- Define three DMZ areas on each course where milling is not allowed at any time.
A. A circle defined by both corner turns mirrored across the entrance and exit buoys.
B. An oval defined by the start/finish line buoy, the buoy just before or after the S/F line, and the two buoys on the backstretch opposite them.
i. At SD, this is the island using the lights course markers and the buoy before the S/F line.
ii. At Madison, this is the buoy before the S/F line using the lights course.
iii. At Detroit, it is the lights course marker and the S/F line buoy. - Allow for cutting from the front stretch to the backstretch between the S/F line on the last milling lap so long as you do not enter the DMZ.
When you sign up for your boat, please vote on proposed starting rule changes 1, 2 and 3 with a yes/no response.
i.e. Steach - U-00 Miss WAZZU
1 - Yes
2 - Yes
3 - Yes -
I can help run the season and take over if need be.
Also maybe add to #3 that when you cut you don't have the right to the lane until you pass 2 buoys after you get back on the course.
I will take the U-1 Graham trucking.
Yes to all 3 of the rule changes.
I would like an overhead snap shot on each course clarifying the DMZ -
I like what Mickey said about rule #3. And I agree with that. You should add that.
My pick is the U-2 T-Plus and Yes to all 3 rule changes
I'll take the U-7 Air National Guard and vote yes to all 3.
I can do the DMZ diagrams since I already have the courses mapped out.
As of now my game still isn't working, so I won't make a boat choice unless I know if I will be able to race it.
I'll take the U-1 Miss Budweiser (listed as "Miss Budweiser Racing" in the game).
If this boat is already taken, here is a list of boats I would also take:
U-7 Graham Trucking II (black w/ red stripes)
U-7 Valken Sports
U-5 (red w/ white rear wings)I vote YES to all rule changes.
@Jim-Brittain darn you
@Beau-Rarig As in the real boats, U-1 is usually reserved for the champion. I'm not sure if we're using that rule this season though.
@Beau-Rarig yeah if you want to run the Bud you need to pick the u12 or the u11
@Mickey Alright, I'll switch my selection to the U-7 Graham Trucking II.
I would like to be able to run one of the following if possible:
- 2013 U-37 Beacon Plumbing
- Current U-6 Oh Boy Oberto
- 2014 Peters and May
Yes to all rules.
I will take the U7 Valken Sports
Yes to all rule mods
Current Selection Status (and thanks to CP for the DMZ maps)
Jeff Dewalt .............U-1 Graham Trucking
John Steach ...........U-00 Miss WAZZU
Mickey Washburn ..U-2 T-Plus
James Bandit ........U-7 Air National Guard (assuming this is Jim Brittain)
Ryan Yates
Beau Rarig .............U-7 Graham Trucking II
Kallen Washburn
Bill Brandt
Jody Harshman
Chris Porten.............Temporary Pass
Scott Przybylski
Adam Putich ...........U-37 Beacon Plumbing / U-6 Oh Boy Oberto / 2014 Peters and May
Joey Caines
Peter SteachAllrc1 (who is this?) U-7 Vanken Sports
Allrc is Bill Brandt